Every female should have regular screening tests for breast cancer each year. The test is called a mammogram.
A common symptom is a lump or mass. Some cancers of the breast can be soft and tender to the touch.
Swollen lymph nodes under the arm or around the collarbone can be early signs of the disease.
Potential Causes
Lifestyle habits and heredity seem to be factors in the disease’s development. Your genes play a significant role in whether you are more at risk of cancer. Other family members that have the disease increase the odds of it being passed on to children and grandchildren.
Risk factors from drinking and using tobacco can increase the chances of developing cancer. Diet has an effect that increases the odds of cancer by consuming the wrong foods. Environmental conditions could play a role in developing cancer.
Treatment for breast cancer depends on the type of cancer and how advanced the disease is for doctors to recommend what they think will work. Most patients with the disease will receive more than one type of treatment. Surgery is usually an option that doctors use as a last resort to cut out cancerous tissue.
Chemotherapy is used to shrink or kill cancer cells. This is one of the top treatment options for patients dealing with the disease and is successful in eliminating tumors. The medications are given to patients through the bloodstream and pills.
Hormonal therapy is used to block cancer cells from getting the hormones they need to grow larger. It shrinks the tumors and has successfully been used to eliminate cancer in patients. Radiation therapy uses high-energy rays focused on an area to kill cancer cells. Biological therapy uses the immune system to fight cancer cells and control side effects from other treatments used.
Medical professionals are using clinical trials for patients with cancer that want to volunteer to take new treatments. This allows medical doctors the opportunity to research new drugs that could be successful in curing certain types of cancer. Other alternative treatment options can include meditation and yoga to help fight the disease. Vitamin supplements and herbs are being used to help patients with breast cancer.
Joining A Support Group
Another way hospitals and physicians help cancer patients is by having them join groups of other patients with the same disease. They can talk to each other in how the treatments they’re receiving are helping them. This is another form of therapy to help patients maintain a positive outlook with their battle of breast cancer.
Early detection of breast cancer is critical for a full recovery. This is why people need to have a mammogram every year to make sure they don’t develop breast cancer. Have one scheduled in the next few weeks to make sure you’re cancer-free.
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